Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Al-Dirayah


Nurul Ahmadi
Dosen STIQ Al-Lathifiyyah Palembang

Published 2018-11-15


  • Credit,
  • Gold,
  • Hadits


This paper discusses the extent of the hadith review of the practice of gold credit in the community. The emergence of the product of buying and selling gold with credit is of course mo-tivated by several important things including: so many who want to have gold with the glory of the metal in its material, and on the other hand gold can be used as a tool to save value or as an investment. However, this desire was not supported by the ability to buy it in cash. Therefore, many people make gold buying and selling transactions in cash or credit. This is certainly a prom-ising business opportunity for sharia financial institutions, where on the one hand they can real-ize the wishes of the community, and on the other hand benefit from the product. Indeed, in plain view, the above transaction is like buying and selling other credit items, but in the order of Islamic law, gold is one of the commodities whose rules of the game are very detailed explained directly by the Prophet Muhammad. One of the rules is that it must be done in cash. Due to the abundance of the Prophet's Hadiths that explain this, it is not surprising that in the end so many scholars forbade the transaction.