Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Al-Dirayah

Kaidah Qira’at Imam Nafi’ Riwayat Warsy dan Penerapannya di Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’an Putri Al-Lathifiyyah Palembang

Lailatul Mu'jizat

Published 2020-12-21


  • The Rule, Qira’at, History of Warsy.


Volume 6, Nomor 2, Tahun 2020
Kaidah Qira’at Imam Nafi’ Riwayat Warsy dan Penerapannya di
Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’an Putri Al-Lathifiyyah Palembang
Lailatul Mu’jizat
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur’an Al-Lathifiyyah Palembang
Email: lailatulmukjizat70@gmail.com
This research is motivated by the emergence of Qira'at knowledge which must
be studied and practiced so that it is not lost and considered foreign by Muslims. This
type of research is a field research (field research). While the type of data used is
qualitative data. Sources of data used in this study are primary data sources and
secondary data sources. In analyzing data using three procedures, namely data
reduction, data presentation, and data verification or drawing conclusions. Qira'at is a
science that studies the different ways of pronouncing al-Qur'an which is adopted by
one of the Imams based on the sanad-sanad which is continued to the Prophet
Muhammad. In order to carry out the teachings of the Prophet, the leadership of the
Al-Lathifiyyah Islamic Boarding School for the daughter of Al- Lathifiyyah in
Palembang carried out the agenda of grounding the Qira'at, in this case the Qira'at
Imam Nafi 'History of Warsy. There are several things that become the reference for
this research, namely: What is the rule of Qira'at Imam Nafi from Warsy?, how are the
efforts to implement the Qira'at Imam Nafi History of Warsy at Pondok Pesantren
Tahfizhul Qur'an Putri Al-Lathifiyyah Palembang? And what are the problems
experienced by students in understanding Qira'at Imam Nafi, according to Warsy in
the Islamic boarding school Tahfizhul Qur'an Putri Al-Lathifiyyah Palembang ?. The
results of this study concluded that the rules of Qira'at Imam Nafi from Warsy's history
were to use the ushuliyyah rule and the Farsyul letter rule. Meanwhile, the application
of the learning process of Qira'at Nafi 'in Warsy's history is to use a variety of reading
Bi al-ifrad (Mufrod Method), namely Qori' reading qira'at by specifying the variety of
readings from one narration. The history used is Imam Nafi's history 'Warsy's history.
Talaqqi and sima'i systems and with a Tadwir tempo. The problems experienced by
Santriwati in Qira'at learning at the Tahfidzul Qur'an Putri Al-Lathifiyyah Islamic
Boarding School in Palembang include: shortness of breath, due to age, lack of interest
in learning Qira'at, laziness, difficulties in the rules and limited time in learning