Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Al-Dirayah

KONSEP MUHASABAH DALAM AL-QUR’AN: Telaah Pemikiran al-Ghazali

Siti Alfiatun Hasanah
Dosen STIQ Al-Lathifiyyah Palembang

Published 2022-11-13


  • Muhasabah,
  • Al-Qur’an,
  • Al-Ghazali


This paper examines the concept of muhasabah according to al-Ghazali in the Qur'an. According to al-Ghazali, perfect muhasabah consists of six stages. First, Musyarathah or setting conditions. Second, Muraqabah or supervised. Third, Muhasabah or audited. Fourth, Mu'aqabah or sanctioned. Fifth, Mujahadah or earnest. Sixth, Mu'atabah or self-denial. These stages can be divided into three parts, namely preparations, moments of thought and practice afterwards. Musyarathah and Muraqabah can be categorized as practiced before being able to control and monitor the intention before performing a practice. While the Mu'aqabah, Mujahadah and Mu'atabah are the practices that follow after reflection. All three serve reward or punishment to oneself who have obtained evaluation results from the process of muhasabah.